Study/Projects - Breastfeeding

BWI CTU: Baltimore-Washington-India Clinical Trials Unit

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Clinical Sites: 
Comprising clinical trial sites at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Whitman Walker Health in Washington, DC, and the BJGMC-CCGHE collaboration in Pune, India, the Baltimore-Washington-India Clinical Trials Unit (BWI-CTU) is one of only 25 international HIV/TB clinical trial sites funded by the...

BJGMC-JHU Fogarty HIV-TB Training Program

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Funded by the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health, the JHU Fogarty program has nearly 20 years of success with providing training, professional development, and mentorship to clinicians and scientists in low and middle income countries. CCGHE's latest efforts in...

Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT) of HIV: India SWEN Study

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This study was officially terminated August 2018. Primary and secondary analyses of the India SWEN study, an NIH-funded phase III randomized controlled trial of an extended nevirapine prophylaxis regimen among 783 HIV-infected pregnant women and their...