Epidemiologic Factors Associated with TB Treatment Outcomes Across Report International Consortia
Rationale: RePORT International was designed to enable cross-consortium data analysis. Now that a large number of consortium sites have completed participant enrollment in Common Protocol Cohort A, we can proceed with large-scale analysis of aligned RePORT data. The current study will harmonize and use clinical data gathered under the Common Protocol to examine factors associated with TB treatment outcomes. This will set the stage for additional investigations that will leverage both the harmonized clinical data and biospecimens for cross-consortium biomarker studies.
Study Objectives and Aims
2.1 Primary Objective
To determine the impact of key non-communicable and communicable diseases on tuberculosis treatment outcomes and recurrence using data from multiple RePORT International consortia.
2.2 Study Aims
2.2.1 Aim 1: To create a harmonized analytical dataset from multiple RePORT International consortium sites.
2.2.2 Aim 2: To determine the impact of non-communicable diseases, including prediabetes and diabetes mellitus, and communicable diseases, including HIV, on tuberculosis treatment outcomes and recurrence, both globally and regionally.