Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analysis of Microbiologically Confirmed Pediatric Tuberculosis Patients and Uninfected Household Contacts

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This study was terminated in June 2020.

This study is using stored samples from the Cohort for Tuberculosis Research by the Indo-US Medical Partnership (C-TRIUMPH), under the Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT) Network, an international TB consortium.

The objectives for this study are to:

  • Assess the RNAseq, microRNA, and metabolic signature differences between confirmed pediatric TB patients and age- and sex-matched controls who are all household contacts of known cases but have remained TST and IGRA negative.

  • Determine which of the published transcriptomic and metabolomic signatures that have been evaluated without requiring microbiological confirmation best differentiate true positives with microbiological confirmation from TST and IGRA negative controls.

Institute of Bioinformatics, Bangalore, India
JHU Biomedical Engineering, Baltimore, MD