Study/Projects - Pregnancy

Prevalence of gestational diabetes (GDM) and postpartum diabetes (DM) and their risk factors at Sassoon General Hospital and Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College in Pune, India

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Primary objective: To determine the prevalence of GDM in a population of women in our hospital To identify the risk factors for GDM and determine the prevalence of GDM risk factors in a population of women screened for GDM and their association with GDM To determine the incidence and time course of...

P2026: Pharmacokinetic Properties of Antiretroviral and Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs during Pregnancy and Postpartum

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IMPAACT P1026s, the predecessor of this study, was first approved in 2003. P1026s enrolled over 1000 pregnant/postpartum women, studied the PK of more than 25 HIV and TB drugs in these women and published 27 manuscripts presenting these data. P1026s data was cited in 32% of the 76 perinatal...

Pregnancy Associated Immune Responses to Tuberculosis and HIV in India and South Africa (PARTHISA)

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Dr. Jyoti Mathad is Co-PI of this study. Purpose: Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of maternal mortality, especially among HIV-infected women. Women are most likely to develop active TB during and immediately after pregnancy. The immunologic conditions responsible for this phenomenon are not...

Vaginal Microbiota in HIV Infected and Uninfected Pregnant Women (Stand Alone)

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Amita Gupta, MD, MHS, and Shilpa Naik, MD, are PIs for this study; Rupak Shivakoti, PhD, MSPH, is Co-Investigator The makeup of vaginal microbiota is dynamic and may play a role in the birth outcomes of pregnant women. While HIV and pregnancy both uniquely impact vaginal microbiota, the impact of...

Gut Microbiota of HIV Infected Pregnant Women

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Birth Outcomes in HIV Both antiretroviral-therapy (ART)-naïve and ART-experienced HIV-infected pregnant women have higher incidences of pre-term birth (PTB) compared to HIV-uninfected women. For example, the global prevalence of PTB is around 8%, while the rates in in HIV-infected...

TB and Pregnancy Impact of Immune Changes of HIV and Stages of Pregnancy on Tuberculosis: Nested Study on Temporal Dynamics of Gut Microbiota in HIV Infected Pregnant Women

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This is a nested prospective longitudinal cohort study of 35 HIV-infected and 35 HIV-noninfected pregnant women who are part of the parent study “Impact of Immune Changes of HIV and Stages of Pregnancy on Tuberculosis." The objectives are to: Determine the association...

Inflammation in HIV-infected Pregnant Women: Relationship with Diet, Gut Microbiome and Preterm Birth

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This study was terminated May 7, 2018. P regnancy is a state of relative immunosuppression in order to protect the fetus from being rejected. It has also been shown that the Th-1 helper cell response, which is normally necessary for overcoming TB infection...

Predictive Value of TB-symptom Screen in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Pregnant Women in Pune, India

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This study was terminated July 17, 2017. This is a cross sectional observational study will be conducted at BJGMC to establish what the predictive value of the WHO TB symptom screen is in pregnant women in India. We hypothesize that the WHO TB symptom...

Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Th1 Immune Response in Pregnant Women in India

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This study was terminated April 16, 2018. Tuberculosis (TB) disease is a major cause of mortality among Indian women of reproductive age; approximately 20-50% of women in India are latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Due to immune...

Impact of Immune Changes of HIV and Stages of Pregnancy on Tuberculosis

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This is the Parent Study for CCGHE’s PRACHITI (PRegnancy And CHanges In TuberculosIs) effort. It's supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Purpose: TB is a...

P1078: A Phase IV Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Safety of Immediate (Antepartum-Initiated) Versus Deferred (Postpartum-Initiated) Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Among HIV-Infected Women in High TB Incidence Settings

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This is a clinical trial conducted under the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Network and funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Dr. Amita Gupta is Protocol Chair for this multinational clinical trial being conducted in...