ACTG Site Spotlight: BJGMC-JHU Clinical Research Site, Pune, India

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ACTG Network Newsletter

The Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College–Johns Hopkins University (BJGMC-JHU) research partnership was established in 2000 to conduct the multi-country Six Weeks Extended Nevirapine (SWEN) trial to reduce HIV transmission through breastfeeding. The results of that trial led to changes in the World Health Organization’s clinical care guidelines. Capitalizing on the team’s success and the infrastructure established, the research partnership continued and has grown exponentially. With clinical operations based at BJGMC in Pune, India, the BJGMC-JHU CRS is now a member of the Baltimore-Washington-India Clinical Trials Unit (BWI-CTU), which includes a CRS at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore) and at Whitman-Walker Health (Washington, DC). ACTG trials represent a significant portion of our research portfolio. We’re proud that our work is improving disease outcomes for patients in our own community and around the world.