Screening for Gender Based-violence (GBV) and Feasibility and Acceptability of mHealth GBV Screening and Support Tools

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This study was terminated February 14, 2017.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a significant public health issue in India, with estimates that over a third of women and girls are impacted at some point in their lifetime.  This pilot qualitative study examined the feasibility of enhancing GBV prevention strategies though the use of mobile technologies. The results of this study will allow for more focused, evidence based intervention development for mobile tools for the prevention and care of GBV in the health service delivery sector in Pune, India.


  • Explore the feasibility, relevance, safety, and implementation recommendations for adapting an existing set of GBV prevention and intervention strategies for the Indian content (i.e. GBV survivor safety and support mobile application).               
  • Identify additional strategies for helping providers counsel women at risk for and affected by GBV, and men at risk for perpetrating GBV.