Study/Projects - MDR-TB

P2005: A Phase I/II Open-Label, Single-Arm Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of Delamanid in Combination with OBR for MDR-TB in HIV-Infected and Uninfected Children with MDR-TB

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New study will characterize the pharmacokinetics of delamanid using a model-based approach, and evaluate safety and tolerability of over 24 weeks of study treatment in HIV infected and uninfected children.

Tuberculosis Noon Conference

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This effort ended in 2015. As part of the BJGMC-Johns Hopkins India Fogarty Training Program, from 2013-2015 CCGHE hosted the live Tuberculosis Noon Conference webcast. Led by Drs. Maunank Shah, Jonathan Golub, and Richard Chaisson, these webcast meetings brought together Johns Hopkins TB...

BJGMC-JHU Fogarty HIV-TB Training Program

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Clinical Sites: 
Funded by the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health, the JHU Fogarty program has nearly 20 years of success with providing training, professional development, and mentorship to clinicians and scientists in low and middle income countries. CCGHE's latest efforts in...