BJGMC-JHU Fogarty HIV-TB Training Program

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Funded by the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health, the JHU Fogarty program has nearly 20 years of success with providing training, professional development, and mentorship to clinicians and scientists in low and middle income countries. CCGHE's latest efforts in this regard are in administering a program that focuses on institutional development of BJGMC to conduct high-quality HIV and TB research.


To ensure long-term success, a sequential, 3-phase training program combines strategic short-term and long-term training in HIV-TB epidemiology and laboratory research. Distance-learning modules supplement regular professional development activities at BJGMC, and off-site training at Johns Hopkins University rounds out the program. In addition, a Training Advisory Committee (TAC) that includes senior faculty from JHU and BJGMC approves final trainees for each phase of the program, performs annual reviews of progress, and provides recommendations for strategic scientific training priorities.

  • BJGMC, Pune, India
  • Johns Hopkins Center for TB Research, Baltimore, MD