High rates of all-cause and gastroenteritis-related hospitalization morbidity and mortality among HIV-exposed Indian infants

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BMC Infectious Diseases

Background: HIV-infected and HIV-exposed, uninfected infants experience a high burden of infectious morbidity and mortality. Hospitalization is an important metric for morbidity and is associated with high mortality, yet, little is known about rates and causes of hospitalization among these infants in the first 12 months of life.


Methods: Using data from a prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) trial (India SWEN), where HIV-exposed breastfed infants were given extended nevirapine, we measured 12-month infant all-cause and cause-specific hospitalization rates and hospitalization risk factors.

Bollinger RC, Gupta A and the SWEN India Study Team. High rates of all-cause and gastroenteritis-related hospitalization morbidity and mortality among HIV-exposed Indian infants. BMC Infect Dis. 2011 Jul 15; 11(1):193. PMCID:PMC3161884
  • Johns Hopkins University-Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College Clinical Trial Unit, Pune, India
  • Department of Pediatrics, Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune, India
  • Department of Clinical Research & Development, Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune, India
  • University of Virginia, Center for Public Health Genomic, West Campus, Charlottesville, VA
  • ICMR/National Aids Research Institute, Pune, India
  • Maharashtra Universities of Health Sciences, Nasik, India
  • Division of Infectious Diseases, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City, NY