Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in Africa, and access to health facilities is limited. Malaria epidemics are common, causing high annual morbidity and mortality, and HIV/AIDS has reached epidemic levels. According to WHO, among the estimated 4 to 5 million malraia cases in the African region (AFRO) each year, 150,000 occur in Ethiopia alone. In 2010, the HHS/CDC Global AIDS Program and the Ethiopian Ministry Of Health (MOH) and Demographic Health Survey (DHS) estimated the national prevalence of adult HIV at 2.4% with 1.2 million HIV-infected persons. Among those infected with HIV, UNAIDS and the Ethiopian MOH report an estimated 80,000 are children under the age of 15 and 90,300 are pregnant women. Ethiopia is one of 15 US President's Emergency Plan Emergence Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) focus countries that receives support for comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs.
CCGHE is determined to relieve some of the burden that disease places on the Ethiopian population. Since 2005, CCGHE has partnered with the World Bank, JHPIEGO, the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI)-Ethiopia and Ethiopian institutions to develop and deploy a variety of distance learning initiatives designed to meet the continuing medical education needs of Ethiopian health workers. CCGHE efforts have also focused on building in-country capacity to independently develop distance learning programs and have included building distance learning infrastructure in Ethiopia and training Ethiopian faculty in curriculum development, evaluation and online course deployment.