
With a population of more than one billion, India is the second largest country in the world, represents 16% of the global population, and the national average for life expectancy is only 65 years. India leads the world in the largest absolute burden of TB, ranks third for HIV (behind South Africa and Nigeria), and ranks second for diabetes. The country receives funding to support HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs under the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Our Indo-JHU Clinical Research Partnership is dedicated to reversing poor patient outcomes. With operations based in Pune, our extensive research portfolio is directed by Dr. Amita Gupta (Baltimore, MD), with onsite direction from Dr. Vidya MaveDr. Nishi Suryavanshi, and Dr. Nikhil Gupte (Pune). The Indo-JHU Partnership employs more than 200 people and, in addition to our memberships in consortia with many esteemed Indian research institutions, we have formal agreements with:


Inflammation and change in body weight with antiretroviral therapy initiation in a multinational cohort of HIV-infected adults

Post Date: 
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Background: Both wasting and obesity are associated with inflammation, but the extent to which body weight changes influence inflammation during human immunodeficiency virus infection is unknown. Methods: Among a random virologically suppressed participants of the...

Quantitative IFN-y,IL-2 response and latent tuberculosis test discordance in HIV-infected pregnant women

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Clinical Sites: 
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Rationale: Pregnant women with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) are at high risk for development of TB, especially if infected with HIV. Objectives: To assess the performance of LTBI tests in pregnant and postpartum women infected with HIV, investigate the...

Isoniazid hair concentrations in children with tuberculosis: a proof of concept study

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Clinical Sites: 
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Assessing treatment adherence and quantifying exposure to anti-tuberculosis drugs among children is challenging. We undertook a 'proof of concept' study to assess the drug concentrations of isoniazid (INH) in hair as a therapeutic drug monitoring tool. Children aged <12 years initiated on...

The availability of emergency obstetric care in the context of the JSY cash transfer programme in Madhya Pradesh, India

Post Date: 
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Abstract Background: Since 2005, India has implemented a national cash transfer programme, the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), which provides women a cash transfer upon giving birth in an existing public facility. This has resulted in a steep rise in facility births across the...

Management and control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB): addressing policy needs for India

Post Date: 
Journal of Public Health Policy
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) challenges TB control efforts because of delays in diagnosis plus its long-term treatment which has toxic effects. Of TB high-incidence countries, India carries the highest burden of MDR-TB cases. We describe policy issues in India concerning MDR-TB...

Persistently elevated C-reactive protein level in the first year of antiretroviral therapy, despite virologic suppression, is associated with HIV disease progression in resource-constrained settings

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Clinical Sites: 
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
A case-cohort analysis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) was performed within a multicountry randomized trial (PEARLS) to assess the prevalence of persistently elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, based on serial...

Inflammation and change in body weight with antiretroviral therapy initiation in a multinational cohort of HIV-infected adults

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Clinical Sites: 
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Background: Both wasting and obesity are associated with inflammation, but the extent to which body weight changes influence inflammation during human immunodeficiency virus infection is unknown. Methods: Among a random virologically suppressed participants of the...

Tuberculosis risk among medical trainees, Pune, India

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Clinical Sites: 
Emerging Infectious Diseases
During 2012–2013, at a public hospital in Pune, India, 26 (3.9%) cases of tuberculosis were reported among 662 medical trainees, representing an estimated incidence of 3,279 cases/100,000 person-years. Three of these infections were isoniazid-resistant, 1 was multidrug-resistant, and 1...

Empirical tuberculosis therapy versus isoniazid in adult outpatients with advanced HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy (REMEMBER): a multicountry open-label randomised controlled trial

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Clinical Sites: 
The Lancet
Background: Mortality within the first 6 months after initiating antiretroviral therapy is common in resource-limited settings and is often due to tuberculosis in patients with advanced HIV disease. Isoniazid preventive therapy is recommended in HIV-positive adults, but subclinical...

Cohort for Tuberculosis Research by the Indo-US Medical Partnership (C-TRIUMPH): protocol for a multicentric prospective observational study

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Clinical Sites: 
BMJ Open
Introduction: Tuberculosis disease (TB) remains an important global health threat. An evidence-based response, tailored to local disease epidemiology in high-burden countries, is key to controlling the global TB epidemic. Reliable surrogate biomarkers that predict key active disease and...

Assessment of the quality of clinical documentation in India's JSY cash transfer program for facility births in Madhya Pradesh

Post Date: 
International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Abstract Objective: To gain insight into the quality of care in facilities implementing the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) cash transfer program in Madhya Pradesh, India, by reviewing the level of documentation in the clinical records of women who delivered. ...

Prevalence and risk factors of micronutrient deficiencies pre- and post-antiretroviral therapy (ART) among a diverse multicountry cohort of HIV-infected adults

Post Date: 
Clinical Nutrition
Background & Aims: HIV-infected adults have increased risk of several individual micronutrient deficiencies. However, the prevalence and risk factors of concurrent and multiple micronutrient deficiencies and whether micronutrient concentrations change after antiretroviral therapy (ART)...

Cost effectiveness of isoniazid preventive therapy for HIV-infected pregnant women in India

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Clinical Sites: 
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Background: India has a high burden of active tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Pregnancy increases the risks of developing TB in HIV-infected women. Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) reduces progression to TB, but may increase costs and hepatotoxicity. The...

Awareness and support for graphic health warnings on smokeless tobacco packages in Navi Mumbai, India and Dhaka, Bangladesh

Post Date: 
Tobacco Control
Awareness and support for graphic health warnings on smokeless tobacco packages in Navi Mumbai, India and Dhaka, Bangladesh

Pediatric tuberculous meningitis: model-based approach to determining optimal doses of anti-tuberculosis drugs for children

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Clinical Sites: 
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Pediatric tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is a highly morbid, often fatal disease. Standard treatment includes isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Current rifampin dosing achieves low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations, and CSF penetration of ethambutol is poor. In adult...

RePORT International: advancing tuberculosis biomarker research through global collaboration

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Clinical Sites: 
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Progress in tuberculosis clinical research is hampered by a lack of reliable biomarkers that predict progression from latent to active tuberculosis, and subsequent cure, relapse, or failure. Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT) International represents a...

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding breastfeeding in postpartum mothers at a tertiary care institute during a public health awareness campaign

Post Date: 
International Journal of Health Sciences
Background: Breast feeding has several benefits for both the infants and mothers. However, despite strong evidences in support of breast feeding its prevalence has remained low worldwide. The objective of the present study was to examine the knowledge and attitude towards breast feeding and infant...

Soluble CD14: An independent biomarker for risk of HIV mother-to-child transmission in setting of pre- and post-exposure antiretroviral prophylaxis

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Clinical Sites: 
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Elevated soluble CD14 (sCD14) concentrations, a marker of monocyte activation, predicts adverse outcomes in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults. To examine the association of sCD14 concentrations with the risk of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV, we nested a case-...

Economic and epidemiological impact of early antiretroviral therapy initiation in India

Post Date: 
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Introduction: Recent WHO guidance advocates for early antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation at higher CD4 counts to improve survival and reduce HIV transmission. We sought to quantify how the cost-effectiveness and epidemiological impact of early ART strategies in India are affected by...

Pre-cART elevation of CRP and CD4+ T-cell immune activation associated with HIV clinical progression in a multinational case-cohort study

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Clinical Sites: 
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Background: Despite the success of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), a subset of HIV-infected patients who initiate cART develop early clinical progression to AIDS; therefore, some cART initiators are not fully benefitted by cART. Immune activation pre-cART may predict clinical...


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